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What does decorating responsibly mean to you and your business?
If you’re looking to integrate sustainable principles into your decorating business, we can help.
We’ve been working hard to reduce our environmental footprint across all of our products and initiatives - keep reading to see how our values, paints and programmes can align with your own commitment to sustainability.
One of our goals as a paint company is to make it easy for decorators to choose products that are less harmful to the environment and to find ways to reduce waste from decorating projects.
Opting for sustainable solutions isn’t just good for the planet; it’s also good business. Our research reveals that up to 35% of decorators have been asked by their clients about sustainability. Encouraging the use of lower-impact products and practices will help you build and nurture your relationships with clients.
Even if you’re not looking to certify the sustainability of your work, it’s important to understand the practices that are instrumental in determining whether or not a building project makes the grade.
There are two key, globally-recognised environment rating systems that establish whether a building project meets “green building” standards. Both BREEAM and LEED take into consideration water efficiency, air quality, waste, energy savings and use of recycled materials.
BREEAM certifications are more commonly used in the UK and require an assessor to be involved in the design and development stage as well as in rating the finished building work. BREEAM also offers different levels of certification; the higher the rating, the greater the sustainability requirements.
By contrast, the global LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system for sustainable and environmentally sound buildings is based on a pass-fail system. Read more here.
It’s common for a customer to consider colour first, but you can help them understand the benefits of choosing products that combine great colour and sustainable benefits. At Dulux Trade, we’re on a mission to reduce the harmful carbon-containing compounds that negatively impact air quality and are replacing solvent-based paints with water-based paint where possible. That means cleaner air while you decorate, and a cleaner option for the planet, too.
In fact, all Dulux interior emulsion paints are water-based and contain less VOC (volatile organic compounds) so they’ll produce less emission and have less odour. The same goes for our Dulux Trade Quick Dry Gloss and Dulux Trade Quick Dry Satin, while our latest Dulux Trade Airsure Diamond Matt is 99.9% VOC-free.
Some of our specialist paints go even further to solve particular issues and improve the health of your customers’ homes. Water-based Dulux Trade Sterishield, originally developed for hospitals, contains an active ingredient that fights bacteria, helping to stop the spread of harmful germs. Suitable for all interior walls and ceilings, it’s also 99.9% VOC-free and a great family-friendly solution for kitchens and bathrooms. Dulux Trade Mouldshield contains a mild fungicide that targets the mould that can cause allergens, and helps ward off fungi inside buildings.
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