Dulux Trade Green Building Solutions


When you choose Dulux Trade products, you can be assured that we will deliver sustainable value and support you in achieving your sustainability ambitions. We are committed to pioneering new possibilities to do more with less on behalf of the decorating industry, reducing not only our own product footprint but also enabling our customers to reduce theirs. We have continually proven our leadership with the field of sustainability, here are some of our accomplishments which we are particularly proud of.


The Airsure range from Dulux Trade are emulsion paints for interior walls and ceilings that offer great performance and are also 99.9% Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) free1, strengthening our commitment to reduce the building industry’s impact on the environment.

The range which includes Airsure Diamond Matt and Airsure Vinyl Matt is both BREEAM2 and LEED3 compliant, and classified as low emissions4 - offering great quality, performance and coverage, while helping to minimise the impact on indoor air quality4 and deliver your sustainability objectives.


Dulux Trade Evolve Matt uses reclaimed paint destined for landfill or incineration, that has been through a strict recycling process and re-engineered into a new matt product with all the quality you would expect from Dulux Trade. Driven by our continued commitment to sustainable innovation, we have worked with waste management partner, Veolia to develop Dulux Trade Evolve Matt, our first paint made with 35% recycled paint content.

Creating harmony between spaces and people

Dulux Trade understands the way people engage with a building can be directly affected by its colour and design. With over 60 years specification experience across a range of sectors and working environments, we help professionals create more than beautiful and functional spaces. Focused on delivering the very best occupant experience, we’ll help you create projects that enhance wellbeing, using sustainable options that give you confidence you are supporting your community, and preserving our planet’s natural resources. Here, you’ll find an example of case study across healthcare, sector.


If you would like to find out more about how our sustainability vision, our innovative products and their environmental performance can help with your next winning creative project, then register your details today and we'll get in touch.

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1 Based on in-can VOC content, measured in accordance with ISO 11890-2:2013.

2 BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognises and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment lifecycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment.

3 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types, LEED provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.

4 Independently tested for emissions, including formaldehyde, TVOC, TSVOC and Cat 1A & 1B carcinogens. Compliant with the emissions criteria in BREEAM New Construction 2018. (UK and International), BREEAM & LEED.

5 See Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for more details.

6 Public Health England Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for VOCs in the UK: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/831319/VO__statement_Final_12092019_CS__1_.pdf

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