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More than 130 million days are lost to sickness absence every year - just a 1% reduction would convert to a saving in lost days of £1 billion to the economy. And in our typical office environment, up to 60% of staff don’t have sufficient access to daylight. Even before we all started working from home, our experts were rethinking office design to increase wellbeing and start to address these problems. Encouragingly, achieving improvements doesn’t always mean vast structural change, and huge costs. With our research and expertise we can use colour and design, combined with innovative product solutions, to help you transform office spaces.
Industry Innovation

Dulux Trade Light & Space

Creating sustainable workspace
Dulux Trade Evolve Matt, made from 35% recycled paint content, has been trialled in a sustainable workspaces in central London.

Life-Cycle Tool
Research & Expertise
Colour Support
Product Spotlight
Get In Touch
Our technical advice team is always on hand to help with any queries and get you started on your next project with Dulux Trade. Get in touch today and they will be happy to help you.
Call 0333 222 7171, email