Professionalising your paperwork

Professionalising your paperwork
Professionalising your paperwork

Providing your customers with professional working documents is a clear way to establish yourself as a quality professional and further differentiate you from the competition. Therefore, your paperwork could be the difference between winning a job and enabling you to command a premium price.

When quoting for a job, any steps you can take to confirm your credibility will ultimately put you in the best position to secure the work. Taking the time to supply your customer with the relevant paperwork will undoubtedly instil confidence in your customer. But, it's also worth considering how doing so can protect you.

By providing your customer will the following written documents, you leave yourself covered in the event of any dispute. Whilst also encouraging your customer to focus on the value of your service, not the price.

Job Specification


As one of the first documents presented to your customer, your specification should illustrate and reinforce your professional standards and act as a work schedule. Representing your service promise to your customer. If you fail to provide the full details of the job, you ultimately leave yourself vulnerable to any future disagreements. Plus, you're not selling the value of your services.




A clear and concise quotation will protect you in the event of any unforeseen circumstances once work is underway. It's important to remember that a quotation is a binding agreement between you and your customer and an estimate is subject to change. This should be clearly clarified with your customer.

Both your quotation and job specification should be supplied to a customer, in writing and in the agreed time frame, ideally this should be within 48 hours.


Job Acceptance


Once a job has been confirmed, a job acceptance form is essential form as it acts as a legal document for any agreed works - protecting both you and the customer.


Additional Works


If, at any stage, you are requested to complete any work not originally included in your quote/estimate, this should be outlined on an additional works document and signed by your customer before any work commences.

If you have any queries regarding paperwork or require any support, please don't hesitate to contact us on or on 0333 222 7022.

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