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Up for the challenge?
Up for the challenge?
We're back with another competition, and yet another round of fantastic prizes are up for grabs!
The Guarantee is a great benefit of the Dulux Select Decorators scheme, one which we want you to take full advantage of. Helping you provide extra reassurance to the homeowner and as a result, helping you to win more work. Open to all members, we're challenging you to submit as many Guarantee forms as possible!
If you're competitive by nature, this is the perfect opportunity for you to take on your fellow peers in a race to the finish line and with no cap on number of completed Guarantees - the sky is the limit!
Want to WIN these fantastic prizes?
How to enter?
Simply send as many correctly completed Guarantee forms as you can into the Select office (via freepost) before March 31st 2017. Please ensure your Guarantee forms are fully and correctly completed, and sent within 28 days of completing the work, if they are not we will not be able to accept them. Once we receive your Guarantee form, we will add it to your tally and announce the lucky winner at the beginning of April. Good luck!

Last month's winner
Congratulations to Pete Clark of Peter Clark Painting and Decorating services who won our Facebook Festive #DSDSelfie competition over the Christmas period!
After receiving his prizes, Pete sent us this lovely feedback, "What a fantastic competition and as always I enter anything to do with AkzoNobel and Select. A very big thank you for running the competition and giving something back to the members, it was a fun competition." We also asked Pete what he plans to do with his prize, "In the package were two tins of Dulux Diamond Matt Jasmine White, which I have decided to repaint my dining room with (my house is immaculate and all rooms are in Dulux!). Thank you for the entire package I was absolutely thrilled."
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