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Your end-of-job checklist
Every completed project is a real-world test for your business. So what lessons can you learn for the next job?

Hands-on experience is usually the best way to learn. Once a project is finished, use our simple checklist to evaluate the job and find ways to improve your business.
The original scope of work
How accurate was the scope of work? If you had to do extra work, note what it was and whether you were paid for it. If you find that certain problems keep coming up – such as clients demanding extra cleaning at the end of a job – it might be that the scope of work you’re creating isn’t clear enough, or you’re missing out on opportunities to upsell. See how to use scope-change to your advantage.
The resourcing
Did you underestimate the costs of materials or labour? There are some simple rules to keep in mind to help improve estimates. First, assume that you and any colleagues are only productive for 80% of the time: this allows for tasks taking take longer than expected. If jobs regularly take longer than you expect, you may be overestimating how quickly you work. When assessing a new project, you can take notes of your measurements directly in the Expert app to refer to when you’re working out costs and timelines.
The client feedback
How happy was the client with the finished project and did you get a testimonial? An honest testimonial is a useful sales tool, but can also include feedback that will help you improve the way you work.
The unexpected
Between planning and completing a job, things can go wrong. How did you deal with problems and what could you do differently next time? If the client misunderstood anything in your agreement, how could you avoid that for the next project?
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