Specifier Advice For Healthcare




Helping health professionals create better environments for patients

A healthcare facility is a working environment with a difference. Yet choosing the most suitable products to achieve a transformation that benefits both patients and health professionals need not be a difficult process. With the right guidance you can achieve a safer, cleaner healthcare environment in which professionals can focus on the needs of patients.

We understand that the way people engage with a building, positive or otherwise can be directly affected by the colour and design of the space. At Dulux Trade we are experts in all aspects of colour in the working environment. We also have considerable experience in the healthcare field, including close collaboration with The King's Fund. We have compiled this definitive guide to help you choose products and colours with confidence - and make the right long-term decisions about issues ranging from infection control to sustainability.


How we can help you

Our Specifier Account Managers, Healthcare experts, and Colour Consultants are here to help you choose the most suitable products, contact specialist contractors, minimise disruption and extend maintenance cycles - leading to savings that can maximise funds for frontline services.

  • NHS guidelines
  • Reducing infection
  • Maintenance
  • Colour
  • Equality Act
  • Tight budgets
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