Dulux Trade Scuffshield FAQ

Dulux Trade Scuffshield FAQ


Why launch a new product and not add this benefit to Diamond Matt?


Dulux Trade Scuffshield Matt has a more expensive formulation, that utilises new technology which gives it it's outstanding Scuff performance and a balance of all durable attributes.  It is also designed specifically for use in high traffic areas prone to scuff marks.  Our current Diamond Mat products offer fantastic durability, and in most case where used meet the needs of the customer and demands of the environment.


Does Scuffshield Matt contain the same Stain Repellent technology as Diamond Matt?


Scuffshield Matt does contain stain resistant technology, but does not "bead" in the visible way that Diamond Matt does.


What is the sheen level?


Scuffshield has a matt finish; it is not a flat matt and has an average sheen of between 5-10 at an 85 degree angle. As with many paints, the sheen may vary slightly depending on the colour.


Has it been tested to 10k scrub cycles, same as Diamond?


Yes, and the film remains intact after 10k scrubs.


Where should I use Scuffshield Matt?


Scuffshield Matt is perfect for use in high traffic spaces, such as corridors, stairwells and hallways, where walls are likely to be subject to impact from items such as bags and shoes that are know to leave plastic/rubber scuff marks.


What colours can I get this in?


Scuffshield Matt is available in the full Dulux Trade tinted colour range, including deep colours not available in Diamond Matt.  However, please be aware that some colours may appear fractionally darker, than the same colour in another Dulux Trade finish, this is due to the unique formulation and the components used in it that give it it's outstanding scuff resistance performance verses other standard paints. 


If I am applying it over existing paint, will this impact performance?


Providing the substrate has been properly prepared, is sound and the current paint well adhered, scuff performance should not be impacted.


Can Scuffshield Matt be spray applied?


Yes it can. Please see product data sheet for more information.

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